Diabetes Awareness Month

The Department of Health designated July as “Diabetes Awareness Month”. In recognition of the global concern for diabetes mellitus as the most common metabolic disorder affecting pregnancy, the Philippine Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine held its second community service activity on July 22, 2024 with the theme “SWEETER FUTURES: Optimizing Maternal and Fetal Health in Diabetes, Iligtas ang Buntis sa Diabetes, upang ang buhay ay kay tamis!” in cooperation with its members, headed by the regional directors.

The maternal lay forum encouraged our Filipino pregnant women to undergo early diabetes mellitus screening in order to decrease the short- and long-term complications of this disease prevailing over our ethnic group. There was simultaneous blood sugar screening, ultrasound services, as well as fun activities like Zumba exercises and raffle prizes such as glucometers, for self-monitoring of blood glucose, being the major prize to bring home our final message.

Together, we inspire, engage and collaborate to decrease the maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality in diabetes mellitus in pregnancy!

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