Magnus Medicus Award
Magnus Medicus et Magister
This is an award of distinction conferred by the Philippine Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine in recognition of a member’s exemplary and pioneering contributions to the development of the practice of Maternal Fetal Medicine in the Philippines.
The title of “Magnus Medicus et Magister” is Latin for “great doctor and teacher” which embodies the attributes of a “healer” and “mentor”.
The honor “Summa Medicus” goes of course to none other than the greatest healer, Jesus. As we ourselves are often called to emulate Jesus, we can never be the greatest that He is, but as great as they can ever be, our “Magnus Medicus et Magister” visionaries stand beside Him as great healers and teachers.
The criteria for award consideration includes the following:
- An active member of the Society for a minimum of 10 years
- Has served the Society in an executive or committee capacity, at a Regional Chapter or Board level, or in his/her home institution in various MFM administrative or academic pursuits
- Not a current member of the Board at the time of nomination
- Has acted in a manner that the Board deems exemplary and deserving of recognition
- Has shown extraordinary dedication to the teaching of the principles and art of Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Possesses personal and professional excellence essential to the mentoring of aspiring perinatologists
In addition, the Society, seeing itself in many forms and venues to have more impact, may also recognize its members who have shown exemplary and active involvement in various fields such as service, community, research, innovation, leadership, governance and world affairs.
The award was first given to our Founding President, Dr. Walfrido Sumpaico in 2015, followed by Dr. Natividad Puertollano, the “Mother of Philippine Perinatology”, posthumously in 2017; in 2019, to the Dr. Sol Pangan, in 2021 to Dr. Virgilio Castro, and in 2023 to Dr. Eduardo Firmalo.